Saturday, July 23, 2011

Types of Climate

Various types of climate are found in Nepal. The geo-physical diversity, altitudinal differences, slope and aspects of land, etc., have resulted in this variation throughout the country. There are five types of major climates in Nepal. The sub tropical climate is found below 1,000 metres and even in higher altitude along the river basins. The southern tarai and river basins have this type of climate where there is hot summer and warm winter. The warm temperate climate is found in the altitude about 1,000 meter to 2,000 merers. The middle hill has this type of climate which is neither hot nor cold throughout the year. The cold temperate climate is found in the altitude about 2,000-4,000 meters. Winter is quite cold while summer remains warm in this type of climate. It is found in upper hill and lower part of the mountain. The alpine climate is found around 4,000 meters altitude. Above the alpine climate, the tundra climate is found where there is snow throughout the year and it remains very cold.

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